Computer Security and Penetration Testing
Price: $86.49
(as of Jun 09, 2024 15:45:51 UTC – Details)
Delivering up-to-the-minute coverage, COMPUTER SECURITY AND PENETRATION TESTING, Second Edition offers readers of all backgrounds and experience levels a well-researched and engaging introduction to the fascinating realm of network security. Spotlighting the latest threats and vulnerabilities, this cutting-edge text is packed with real-world examples that showcase today’s most important and relevant security topics. It addresses how and why people attack computers and networks–equipping readers with the knowledge and techniques to successfully combat hackers. This edition also includes new emphasis on ethics and legal issues. The world of information security is changing every day – readers are provided with a clear differentiation between hacking myths and hacking facts. Straightforward in its approach, this comprehensive resource teaches the skills needed to go from hoping a system is secure to knowing that it is.
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Publisher : Cengage Learning; 002 edition (August 15, 2013)
Publication date : August 15, 2013
Language : English
File size : 21138 KB
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
X-Ray for textbooks : Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Sticky notes : Not Enabled
Print length : 512 pages
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