Hi friend! As you may know, I’ve offered a day-to-day desk calendar with quotes for the past few years and will soon offer my fourth.
I’m currently working on the 2026 calendar, and, as I did last year, I’d love to include some quotes from the community.
If you’d like to submit a quote (or more than one!) for consideration, you can do that here.
Some guidelines to keep in mind:
1. Quotes can be up to 75 words.
2. They need to be entirely original.
3. They can be on any topic related to personal growth, including but not limited to:
- Acceptance
- Change
- Choices
- Goals
- Gratitude
- Kindness
- Letting go
- Loneliness
- Meaning
- Mindfulness
- Peace
- Purpose
- Regrets
- Relationships
- Uncertainty
You don’t need to be a blogger or published author. Your quote doesn’t need to have appeared anywhere else before, though it’s fine if it has. It just needs to deliver a message that speaks to our shared human struggles and offers insight, advice, encouragement, or inspiration.
Unfortunately, I won’t be unable to personally respond to everyone who submits a quote, but if I decide to include your quote in the 2026 calendar, I’ll email to let you know.
Interested in sharing your wisdom? Click here to submit a quote!